Affiliated to Bangalore University, the courses offered are Approved and Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.


The Commerce and Management departments of ACMS College has business lab. The idea behind the business lab is to inculcate knowledge and need-based work skills so that the graduates of the college find themselves prepared for employment and self-employment avenues as and when required. In order to accomplish this task we have incorporated practical aspects of the subject so the students may involve in experiential learning which is vital in present business world.

A dedicated Business Lab for the benefit of staff and students has been initiated to develop global competency and keep them updated with recent practices in the business world. Business Lab provides practical exposure of the processes and procedures followed by organizations in conducting commercial practices. The lab provides practical orientation to students by giving the subject syllabi with practical training in the lab. The Business Lab is equipped with the latest teaching aids such as projector, video camera and Laptop. Charts, Models, Magazines prepared by students are displayed for the benefit of all. Effort is being made to install the laboratory with the latest gadgets. The Business Lab is also used for interaction with the peers from other institutes. Students also participate in group discussions, interviews, presentations, etc. arranged here from time to time. The lab’s membership and facility come at no extra cost for the students and staff of Anupama College. With the Business Lab, the college aims to stress on the importance of practical application of knowledge gained through theory, among students and faculty.
The business lab is placed in II floor of the college campus.

Activities conducted in Business Lab

• To provide online entry forms/IT Returns through power point presentation
• Preparation of Charts, Models, News Letters by students for display
• Group Discussions on current issues
• Interaction with peers from other institutions
• Conduct of mock annual general meetings
• Providing valuable information on career prospective
• Showing online stock exchange
• Organizing exhibitions
• Conduct of quiz competitions, poster competitions, innovative competitions
• Celebration of Commerce Lab Day
• Conduct of Practical tests

Contact Info
Anupama College of Management & Science
address :

CA Site No.6 (P), West of Chord Road, 2nd Stage, Mahalakshmipuram, Bangalore-560086.

Call: 080-23493096
